

Blog Writer/Committee Member

Kricia Romero can often times be found ghosting others, ghost writing that is. She believes every person has a story to tell and she wants to help you write it and share it with the world. She is an incredible listener who truly wants to hear what you have to say and will not only tell your story, but will write your story in your voice, not hers. After all, it’s your story, and the world should hear what you have to say. She too has a story and is currently writing it in her voice and will one day share it with the world. In the meantime, when she’s able to put her phantom pen down, she picks up her sword and is a strong advocate for those who are or who have been victims of human sex trafficking. Having worked in both civil and criminal law for 10 years, and an additional 13 years as an Administrative Assistant in the Crimes Against Persons Unit for her local police department, Kricia knew what her next mission was after she came face to face with two young women who were being sex trafficked right in her own community. While it wasn’t certain they were being trafficked, she sensed their fear not only in her gut, but deep down to her core as well. She knew those two young women needed help and after trying to communicate with them with their trafficker just feet away, watching their every move, they wouldn’t speak to her and even though she reported the incident to fellow officers and detectives, a preliminary investigation led to nowhere. Ever since that daunting moment, Kricia has vowed to make every effort possible to further educate herself and others to know the signs of human trafficking and how best to communicate with and save those who are being trafficked. She is both honored and proud to be writing for the Free-Them Blog and hopes that her voice is being heard. She will do everything she can to help expose the exploiters and end human trafficking and she hopes you will too.