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Randy Phipps

Board Director & Communications Officer

After watching a film on human trafficking, Randy sought out more information about this crime and was horrified with what he discovered. He began to quietly support organizations tackling the problem overseas and then soon learned that the issue is prevalent in Canada as well. This led Randy to join the Free-Them Executive Committee in 2010, shortly after the organization was founded. After meeting Shae Invidiata at a Toronto gala, he began his Free-Them involvement by participating in the original Freedom Walk. His skills in PR became evident when he raised the highest amount of funds in Canada for the event, so Free-Them quickly snatched him up and put him to work. Randy now manages Free-Them’s social media in addition to liaising with television and print media. You can usually find him diligently Tweeting and snapping pictures. Randy has also been been the lead in our celebrity relations which has garnered support from local and international entertainers to bring awareness to human trafficking within and outside of our borders.

"Human trafficking is more than just a 'cause' its a global crisis and we all need to take action to eradicate it." -Randy Phipps