
Joelle Warrilow

Commitee Member

Joelle’s passion to help eradicate the organized crime of human trafficking stems from her need to stand up for the oppressed. Joelle had not heard of human trafficking before March 2010, after coming across an article in a magazine about women in the Congo who were being trafficked for the purpose of sex. She was shocked and immediately felt compelled to get involved in this specific area of social justice. She began to research the topic and attended a banquet fundraising dinner. It was here that she realized she needed to connect and find like minded individuals who believed in fighting for the cause as much as she did. Joelle first learned of Free-Them through MP Joy Smith’s website. She volunteered to assist with our First Annual Walk and was moved by the many people already involved in the fight against human trafficking including police officers, politicians, survivors, community workers and advocacy groups. As a committee member for Free-Them, she contributes suggestions and ideas about various subject matters pertaining to victims’ issues, women’s rights, criminal justice issues and network with various community agencies, attend fundraising and education events and host resource tables whenever possible and also liaise with law enforcement on how to bridge gaps within the criminal justice system that prevent traffickers from being convicted. Being part of an organization that fights for the necessity of human rights is a great privilege and an endless task that will always be close to her heart.