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Linda Ford

Committee Member

Linda's first encounter with human trafficking was when she heard about a friend's family who worked in oppressive conditions as a farm worker in the Niagara region. She was shocked that human trafficking was taking place so close in a safe, quiet town. 

With over 15 years of experience in marketing working for Fortune 500 companies including a former consultant at Microsoft she brings a wealth of experience to the team for driving awareness, strategic partnerships, and executing with excellence.  Presently, as a Real Estate Broker, she has combined her previous passion of marketing, the enjoyment of helping people, and her entrepreneurial perseverance to the team.

Linda joined Free-Them with the goal of eradicating modern day slavery in Canada by generating awareness and propelling a shift in the norm of thinking.  

“We need to first understand what human trafficking is before we can fight it. We need to spread awareness. Life is a gift that should never be for sale.”